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4 inch versus 6 inch hose

Started by ubfine, February 25, 2012, 09:04:51 AM

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Quote from: dmh on March 02, 2012, 04:06:47 PM

Where can one find out how to do these calculations?

Here's a link to a PDF file I created from a website that has since disappeared, not sure why.  In any case it is DC Calculations 101.  It is intended to be used to determine the size of DC you need.  Unfortunately, most everyone, including myself buys the DC first and then tries to figure out what it can do, and how best to optimize the plumbing.

Hope this helps:


Here is an article from wood Magazine that has some of the infor and process mentioned above by Retired2. It looks like this article is dated 2007 and it is little blurry but usable. It is a process to determining your SP loses. Do a loss calc for your main run and then for each of your drops, add the main loss to each drop loss and look at your worst case run.


Cool article Ron. Thanks for posting.


Sorry for bumping a 2 year old thread but I thought this might be info that future lurkers might find useful. Wood magazine did a test in issue 182. They tested basically the same collectors we are using today, the main difference is that most of these have 1-30 micron bags or they come with filters. I believe the test, tested clean equipment. Either way the collectors that have canister filters on them should maintain the suction that they achieved in this test. Hopefully this will clear the air a bit on what size duct you should be using.

phil (admin)

Woops, I approved this w/o thinking about the copyright implications.  What is the thought on this, is it okay for this stuff to be posted here?  I sure don't want to step on any IP toes.


I think credit is given so I don't know why it would be an issue. Also, you are not hosting the images so if there was any blow back it would have to go to the hosting site.


Quote from: phil (admin) on July 23, 2014, 09:06:02 AM
Woops, I approved this w/o thinking about the copyright implications.  What is the thought on this, is it okay for this stuff to be posted here?  I sure don't want to step on any IP toes.


I am no expert on copyright laws, but I suspect somewhere in every copy of Wood Magazine is a copyright statement which may not spell out the particulars, but that copyright normally prohibits copying or reprinting the contents of the magazine, either in whole, or in part, without the authors expressed permission.  So, I'm guessing posting the article here without that permission is indeed a violation of Wood Magazine's copyright protection.

Now, I have posted a link to this article numerous times on this forum.  Interestingly, the link I used is to the website which makes this article available to its readers in pdf format.  I assume since the Delta dust collector fared very well in this test, Delta obtained permission to post the article on their site.  That leads to the question of what reuse or reprint restrictions go with the Delta pdf file?  Pretty messy, huh?

If it were me, I'd delete the post of the article, but I do not think posting the link to the deltaportercable website violates any copyright laws, so here it is again.