Doweling Jig
other side (for dressed lumber)
DIY templates
I am a big fan of a
well-executed doweling jig, but they can be outrageously expensive.
Commercial jigs are
typically heavy affairs made of machined aluminum and steel.
They can run north of $150 (with one well-known manufacturer offering
a model approaching $300).
I've developed a doweling
jig system that rivals these spendy aluminum monsters.
Combining a CNC-machined (accurate to within thousandths of an inch)
acrylic template with a single drill "bushing" mounted in a
plywood block, this jig combines tremendous accuracy and value.
Pictured above right, the
template is two sided. One side offers a fairly conventional
3/8" hole layout. The 2nd side is designed for making
quick work of tables/stands/benches made from "dressed"
construction lumber. "Dressed" means these boards
have been run through a jointer and planer to get straight and
uniform stock measuring 1-1/4" by 3-1/4" (more about that later).
you want one of these jigs, I'll ship one for just $40 (includes
shipping/handling to any of the fifty states). Just use the Buy
Now button
below. You
will get the precision-machined template, the fence (now with
sandpaper grip), the screws, and the drill bushing mounted in the BB
plywood block. You will need to supply your own 3/8" drill
bit and depth stop (read more about that below), and a 4mm Allen wrench.
are NLA, the V2 has been released.
I suppose in this day and age I should provide some sort of safety
warning. You will need to use your power drill so you should be
familiar with, and observe all instructions,
came with said
drill. Read my instructions here as well, wear
safety glasses, work safely, use common sense.
The unit arrives as three
pieces in a padded envelope. Assembly is straightforward:
Remove the two screws from
the fence, place the template on top of the fence, and replace the
screws. Orient the side of the fence with the sandpaper grip
TOWARDS the holes you plan to use first. These are machine
screws threaded into wood, watch the first turn or so to make sure
you catch the existing threads. You may observe that the holes
in the fence are slightly off-center, this is by design and allows
the jig to be used with relatively thin stock.
Adjust the fence/template
for the stock you are going to use (see examples below), and tighten
the screws with a 4mm Allen wrench.
Mount the drill guide block
on a vise and run your 3/8" bit through it a very times, to make
sure it doesn't catch. I've done this before shipping the
units, but drill bits can vary slightly in diameter, so it is a good
idea for you to repeat this step with your intended bit.
Enough already, let's make
a joint, that is the best way to show how it is used.
I'm going to use the
"conventional" (wider) side of the template and join two
pieces of narrower stock together (similar to what would be involved
in making a face frame):

Step #1, The two workpieces
are placed in the correct orientation on my bench. |

Step #2, I've made some
marks to show the orientation of the dowels, and to remind me which
edges should be aligned when I'm all done. I've used permanent
marker here to make things visible for you, you'll want to use pencil. |

Step #3. I need to
adjust the jig for the thickness of the stock I'm using (3/4" in
this instance). The template's holes are centered 3/4"
from the front edge of the template. If I use a 3/8" thick
spacer (in this case, 3/8" BB plywood), the holes will be
centered in the boards when I'm done. |

Step #4. With the
screws loosened and the fence sitting on top of the 3/8" spacer
(which in turn is on top of my stock), I push the plastic template
against the bench and snug the screws. That's it, my template's
holes are now centered for my stock. |

Step #5. I want the
screws very snug, I don't want any shifting going on. The
screws have 4mm Allen heads, and I have a nifty ratchet I use with
interchangeable bits. You will need to supply your own
Allen-head tool for tightening the screws, just an Allen wrench is great. |

Step #6. I've aligned
the edge of the plastic template to the edge of my workpiece, and
added a clamp to hold things. That clamp is a quick clamp I got
with an old Kreg pocket hole jig. |

Step #7. I can now
hold my drill bushing in one hand and drill the holes with my
other. Unfortunately, I don't have a third hand to hold the
camera. I'm only drilling two holes here, as my stock is
somewhat narrow. |

Step #8. Now it is
time to drill the end of the other workpiece. I've clamped the
workpiece in my vise, and I've clamped the jig to the workpiece
making sure to align the edge of the template with the marked edge
(marked with an "X" in step #2) of my workpiece. I'll
drill two holes in the end of this board. |

Step #9. I've
inserted a couple of dowels and I'm about to push the joint together
for the first time, so exciting! |

Step #10. The joint
is pushed together and the alignment is outstanding, another perfect joint!!! |
Aligning your workpieces
Get everything laid-out
properly and mark your pieces, do not skip this step as it is easy to
lose your orientation when moving pieces and drilling holes. I
used permanent marker above but suggest you use pencil (or some chalk
on darker woods). Anything easy to get off when you're ready to
finish your project.
Adjusting the jig
The fence on this jig is
infinitely adjustable, and scrap stock spacers make short work of
setup. I use my 3/8" and 1/2" spacers most. The
3/8" spacer allows me to get my holes centered in 3/4"
stock, while the 1/2" spacer allows me to create an
offset/reveal when joining aprons to legs (for example).
But I also have 1/8"
and 1/4" spacers, and thicker spacers, too. They all come
in handy, and sometimes get stacked.
Spacers need to be
flat. Any deviation from flat will be transferred to the fence
and ultimately to your joint. Scrap pieces of lumber really are
ideal. Mark them with their thickness, drill a hole in them,
and hang them over your workbench.
Do holes need to be
perfectly centered in the stock?
Absolutely not! The
jig references off one face and one edge of your workpiece. If
you want your holes to be off-center and almost to the edge of your
stock, go for it.
In fact, my first doweling
jig was one of those self-centering gadgets you can still buy today
(at about 2x the cost of this one). And although it was
supposed to center the holes, it never really did. They were a
little off-center and the row of holes were always a little less than
parallel to the edge of the stock, too, it was very frustrating.
I know some say "this
is woodworking, it is close enough." Well I once needed to
make eight large brackets from 1x4 material and the joints were all
off enough that significant sanding was required. This added
quite a bit of time and frustration to the project. Mostly for
my wife, because I made her do all the sanding.
If my holes needn't be
centered, why are we discussing it?
Because it is so easy to
do, why not?
There are reasons why you
may not want centered holes. Maybe one face of your board has a
groove or other detail that would interfere with centered
dowels. So offset your holes in that case by being creative w/
the spacers. It doesn't matter, you can center or not center.
Clamping the jig
The jig typically needs to
be clamped so the edge of the plastic template is aligned with the
edge of your workpiece. I typically just use the wood block
that holds the drill bushing as an alignment aid. With the
block held against the edge of the workpiece, the template is slid up
to the block, and the jig is clamped. Boom.
One important point is to
align the edge of the plastic template with the edge of your
workpiece. Don't use the fence for alignment, it isn't always
aligned perfectly with the template's edge.
Quick clamps like the one
pictured above work fine. Small F-type clamps are great,
too. Clamp the jig snugly, you don't want it moving as you're
drilling holes.
Drilling holes
The drill bushing is
pressed into an undersized hole in the plywood block, and isn't
fastened with any sort of adhesive. It can slide up and down in
the block with moderate pressure. When you first place it on
the template, push the bushing all the way down to your workpiece
before drilling your first hole. Subsequent holes shouldn't
need any further adjustment of the bushing, the depth stop or collar
on the bit will push the bushing down.
Give your bit a chance to
remove the chips from the hole by partially extracting it every
1/2" (or so) of drilling. Once you hit the depth stop,
ream the hole a little by moving the bit up and down a few times.
Wait, why allow the
bushing to move at all, why not glue that sucker in?
For maximum flexibility, of
course. You don't have to use my acrylic template, you can make
your own templates by drilling holes in anything from 1/8"
hardboard to 3/8" (or so) plywood. Being able to adjust
the bushing to the thickness of the template makes for the best hole
quality (less chip-out).
Making your own templates
will allow you to achieve CNC-like precision and speed on all sorts
of larger projects. You will read about that more below
("DIY Templates").
Drill bits
I use mostly split-point
bits (metal-working bits). Right now I'm using Dewalt 3/8"
bits purchased at the local Home Despot, but I've used other
brands. The points on many brad-point bits are often a little
off-center, and may compete with the drill bushing when it comes to
hole alignment.
There is an exception to my
bit rule, though, and that is when brad-point bits work better, use
them. That is mostly with some softwoods like SYP (Southern
Yellow Pine) or DF (Douglas fir). The dark grain in these woods
is extremely hard, and the lighter wood pretty soft.
Split-point bits can struggle here and rip big chunks out of the
stock, brad-point bits may work better. Test your bits in
scraps of your stock before starting.
No two drill bits are
equal, it seems, often drilling slightly smaller or larger
holes. The important thing is that the dowels fit into the
holes. We don't want the holes so tight that the dowel won't go
into the hole once the glue is in. Likewise, so loose that the
dowels fall out means the joint's strength will suffer.
Stop collars
I don't like conventional
stop collars, they can be a PITA to adjust and are prone to
moving. While it is possible to change bits or even change
drills (each drill being setup with a separate bit/collar) to save
time and frustration when drilling holes of differing depths, I
prefer to make depth stops from plastic tubing (purchased at my Ace
hardware store) cut to required lengths:

In the pic on the left,
you can see my plastic stop collar/depth stop made from tubing I
purchased at my local Ace hardware store. In the pic on the right,
you can see a nylon washer (3/8" ID) is slipped over the bit
before the tubing. The washer keeps the tubing from riding-up
the bit into the chuck.
To determine the length of
tubing required, I slip the washer over the bit, then the drill
bushing. I measure the length of the bit extending beyond the
bushing and subtract the depth of the hole desired. That is how
long I cut my tubing. I have a little cream-cheese container
with pieces of tubing of various lengths, I almost always have one
that is just right. I also have a couple of extra washers in
there, these can be stacked for making 1/8" adjustments.
BTW, I still often use two
bits and two drills to speed-up the process of drilling holes at
different depths.
Testing joints
It is a good idea to have a
collection of a few looser-fitting dowels available for testing
joints. Some dowels can be so snug that you need a channel-grip
pliers to remove them (and that is without glue!). My test
dowels aren't loose, they just aren't so tight that I cannot get them
back out with my fingers.
I make 1-2 test joints
before starting any project, and I test the joints of my project
before assembly. This saves filling the swear jar.
Dowels: Spirals
vs. flutes
I use whatever I can source
at a reasonable price.
Applying glue
I use 1/8" dowels to
apply glue. Squirt glue into the hole, then use the 1/8"
dowel to make sure the walls of the hole are covered. I use a
Stanley mallet with plastic head to tap the dowels into the holes if
they're too snug once the glue is in the hole. Don't go crazy
with the mallet, you don't want to mushroom the ends of the dowels
with the thing.
FWIW, this is the method
prescribed by James Krenov in one of his books. Yes, James
Krenov was a dowel-head.
Be ready with your clamps,
they may be required to pull the joints closed. I use white PVA
glue (just Elmer's white glue) for my dowels because it seems to give
me longer open times. Determine your assembly steps before
applying the first drop of glue. If you can, assemble your
project in smaller steps to save frustration from large/complex glue/clamp-ups.
Wait, are joints made
with dowels even strong enough?
Testing indicates joints
made with dowels are extremely strong, approaching or surpassing
(depending on how you define failure) the strength of mortise and
tenon joinery. If your project relies on any incremental
increase in strength provided by another type of joint, you need to
go back to the drawing board (change the design, add bracing,
whatever). It just isn't wise working within the margins where
strength is required.
Hey, this thing is
plastic, is it durable?
Sure is, I've whipped them
at the ground repeatedly and can get edges to chip but that is about
it (and I'm whipping them at concrete). I actually had one
ricochet into the garage door and leave a pretty nice gouge, but the
template was fine! Wife hasn't noticed the gouge, so I'm okay, too.
Remember that the drill bit
never touches the plastic, only the drill bushing does. So
there is no wear/tear on the template.
The fact that they're
plastic and light-weight and relatively inexpensive makes them quite
a joy to use compared to the heavy aluminum jigs I have (yes, I have
those, I use my template jigs instead). Having an inexpensive
acrylic jig fall off the bench and hit my concrete shop floor isn't a
huge deal. Having a $200 heavy aluminum jig hit the floor?
My heart would stop!
other side (for dressed lumber)
The 2nd side of the
template is designed to drill holes for five 3/8" dowels in
dressed 2x4 lumber. Dressed just means it was run through the
jointer/planer/table saw to get uniform 1-1/4" x 3-1/4"
stock. Construction-grade materials typically have slight
dimensional variances, eased edges, and can be slightly out of
square. Fine for building structures, not so great for
woodworking tasks. So dressing it fixes all those issues and
makes it ready for projects.
Below is a picture of a
bandsaw bench I built with dressed 2x4's. It is incredibly
strong and the materials came from 2x4's I found discarded in the
neighborhood! I have two bandsaws mounted on this stand, setup
with different types of blades for two different applications.
I call this my bandsaw mainframe, because the bandsaws are not
actually mounted to the stand. Rather, they're mounted to
plywood bases that float on the top of the stand. Cleats under
the plywood keep the bases from sliding off the top, but each bandsaw
can easily be lifted off the stand. Why? Because at one
time, I had three of these bandsaws and also a small jointer and a
planer I used on this same stand, all with the same sorts of bases,
so I could rotate the tools quite easily.

Using the 2nd side of the
jig isn't too different from using the first, but if a picture is
worth a thousand words, here are ten-thousand words on using the
second side of the jig:

Step #1, The two workpieces
are placed in the correct orientation on my bench. I've once
again used permanent marker to note the edges I want aligned, and to
show the orientation of the dowels. You should use pencil, the
marker is only to make the markings clearly visible in the images. |

Step #2, If you look
closely you can see a pencil line indicating where I want the bottom
of the cross-piece to meet the leg. I made the pencil mark with
my combination square set to 4.5" (so the cross-piece will be
4.5" from the bottom of the leg). I'll align the edge of
the doweling jig template with this pencil mark. |

Step #3. To adjust
the jig, I first reversed the fence so the sandpaper grip faced the
correct set of holes. Then with the screws still loose, I
placed the fence on top of the stock and pushed the template towards
the bench and tightened the screws. No spacers are required
this time, the holes on this side of the jig are set to center on
1-1/4" thick stock. |

Step #4. I've aligned
the edge of the template with the pencil mark I mentioned in step #2
(above) and I've clamped the jig + the workpiece in my vise. A
vise is a handy clamping method for my template doweling jig. |

Step #5. Now I use
the drill guide in each of the template's five holes to drill a hole
in my workpiece. |

Step #6. Five holes
drilled, just moving the drill guide from hole to hole. It goes quickly. |

Step #7. Now I'll
drill the end of the cross-piece. I align the edge of the
template to the marked edge of the stock, clamp (this time I'm using
an F-clamp), and drill my holes. |

Step #8. Five dowels
inserted into the five holes I just drilled in the cross-piece.
That is going to be a strong joint. |

Step #9. Time to test
the joint, I'm bringing the two pieces together (no glue here) to
make sure everything aligns. |

Step #10. The joint
is pushed together and the alignment is once again perfect! |
I've made approximately ten
of these sorts of stands over the years. Some have been sold
with tools that were on them (the most recent being a small Ryobi
jointer from Japan). Some are used elsewhere in the home and
home office (like my printer/scanner/everything else stand).
Almost each time I visit
the home center, I check the stop couple of rows of any 2x4 stock for
Douglas fir that is relatively clear and straight. I keep a
stockpile of these in my garage for the next time I need another stand/table/bench.
I also keep an eye out in
the neighborhood for discarded 2x4 materials, I've made a couple of
stands from this absolutely free wood.
DIY templates
As I mentioned earlier, you
can make your own templates and achieve CNC-like precision and speed.
An important aspect of my
drill bushings is that, with moderate pressure, they can slide
up/down in the blocks of wood holding them (they won't fall out,
resistance increases as you near their ends). This allows you
to make templates of various materials (and thicknesses) and
guarantees the bushing can be fully seated against your stock (having
the bushing pushed against your stock minimizes tear-out).
Here is a brief pictorial
on DIY templates:

Image #1: Two
workpieces (an imaginary side and bottom), a 1/4" drill guide,
and a purpose-made template. |

Image #2: This is the
first side of my template. It is just some BB plywood cut to
3/4" wide and a couple inches longer than the intended
joint. My joint will be 12" long so I made the template
14" or so long. I marked a line at 12" and drilled
three sets of two holes that are 25/64" (sized for the 1/4"
drill bushing). I've drilled another hole that is 3/8" for
a dowel that acts as a stop. If you click on this photo you can
see a larger version that shows this side is marked "I" and
there are arrows pointing to the edge I've selected as my reference
(can be either edge, just have to be consistent on the next side). |

Image #3: Same
template as above, but I've rotated it. Click on the photo for
a larger version and you'll see this side is marked "II"
and there are again arrows pointing to the same reference edge.
This reference edge is always placed towards whatever we're using as
our fence. |

Image #4: I've
clamped my two workpieces in my vise, and I'm using one of them as
the fence. That is, I've merely lifted one of the pieces about
1/4" higher than the other, to give the template's reference
edge something on which to register. I've placed my template on
my workpiece (my imaginary side), made sure my arrows point towards
the fence, and that the dowel is pulled snug against the edge of the
workpiece. I simply place my drill guide into each hole, pull
against the dowel and push against the fence, and drill the
hole. I'm not using any clamps for the template, this is all
done with hand pressure. |

Image #5: Now I've
clamped the two pieces together with a 3/8" thick x 1" wide
piece of plywood between them to act as a fence. Hard to see
but there is an "X" on the right-hand workpiece, right
under the fence (and adjacent to the clamp), that is my reference
edge of the workpiece my stop-dowel will hug.
Note that I don't really
need the two pieces clamped together, this just allowed me to use a
single clamp instead of two. If I wasn't demonstrating a single
joint, I'd clamp the top and bottom together with three fences, two
fences on each outside edge and one in the middle. With that
arrangement, I'd be able to drill all four rows of holes in a single
clamping operation (FAST). |

Image #6. Just like
in Image #4, I've placed the template against the fence and pulled
the dowel (the stop) against the reference edge of the workpiece, and
I've drilled my six holes. Again, the clamp is only holding the
workpieces, not the template. When I insert the bushing into
the template, I pull against the dowel and push against the fence,
and drill my hole. |

Image #7: I've
inserted six 1/4" dowels into my holes and I'm pushing the joint
together for the first time (the moment of truth). |

Image #8: Perfection,
the edges are all perfectly flush. |
The astute observer will
recognize why this works so well: The template is being flipped
when changing from drilling our imaginary side piece to our imaginary
bottom piece. Those arrows on the template that always point at
the reference edge (in this case whatever we're using as our fence)
guarantee our holes are perfectly aligned.
While I took some care to
nicely lay-out my template holes, it wouldn't matter if I made them
in a random zigzag pattern, the holes between the two pieces are
aligned because of the way the template is oriented during drilling.
As you can probably
imagine, this method allows one to make a template for almost any
task and join even large workpieces with a great degree of precision
and speed.
Below is a pic of one of
several subwoofer enclosures I built using a custom template. I
kept one of the enclosures (the others went elsewhere), I still have
to load it with the driver.

DIY templates are
especially great for larger sheet-good projects. I still prefer
my acrylic template for more conventional projects, though.
The point is, once you
understand the genius of the template system, there really is no end
to what you can accomplish with a great deal of precision and speed.
you want one of these jigs, I'll ship one for just $40 (includes
shipping/handling to any of the fifty states). Just use the Buy
Now button
below. You
will get the precision-machined template, the fence (now with
sandpaper grip), the screws, and the drill bushing mounted in the BB
plywood block. You will need to supply your own 3/8" drill
bit and depth stop (read more about that above), and a 4mm Allen wrench.
are NLA, the V2 has been released.

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