Side inlet designs....question for you

Started by GFarra, February 05, 2010, 11:44:46 AM

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Hi Everyone

This is my first post.   I've spent a lot of time lurking and reading.   I'm going to build my first baffle to be used with a metal trash can on a Delta 50-760.

I've plumbed my shop with 5" snaplock pipe so my baffle will also utilize 5" connections.    I really like the side inlet designs and I'm leaning towards that.   Some questions:

1) I'm assuming that in order to entry the can the side inlet needs to be disconnected.....anyone find a good quick disconnect?

2) Since I'll have the available real estate in the top, can i use the trash can lid itself?    I've found 5" flanges so all I think I need to do is cut a 5" hole in the lid, rivet the flange in place and seal it with some silicone.   Any reason not to use the metal trash can lid?

Thank you.   This has really been a very helpful forum




George, I didn't try that on mine, since I needed support for the inlet on the top, and figured the can lid might not be quite strong enough, with supporting the bottom ring, and the inlet, plus complicating the cutoff of the elbow that I used.  Are you going to put the can directly under the housing on the mobile stand like a couple of us did? 

If you did that, there would be a direct connection from the 5" collor on the DC, to the can lid which should help fix the lid in place.  Just put some of weather stripping on the inside if you do use the lid to ensure a good seal.  The good thing about it would be that you could always just insert a MDF top or whatever in the lid if it turns out to be a little flimsy.  Just make sure that the outtake has enough length into the lid to compensate if you needed to do that mod.

I'm thinking if I went to 5" I would want a side inlet as well. 

Perhaps someone who has tried using the lid will chime in as well.


Check out my posting "20 gal. trash can etc."

I used 4" PVC S&D and ran it into the side of a metal 20 gal. trash can. The trash can is composed of steel about the consistency of foil, not very strong. I used the trash can lid with a  melamine insert. That provided the seal and the strength to install the PVC fittings in the top. I used a short piece of S&D that included the female flair. With the can sitting on a roller base, I can roll the can up to the wall mounted PVC duct, inserting it into the female flair. Of course the blower is wall mounted above. Hope that helps.