position of baffle to inlet port

Started by john t, August 17, 2013, 09:07:51 AM

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john t

I'm probably missing something in the blogs but I have not seen anything definitive on the relationship of the start of the baffle slot to the inlet port; e.g. "the slot should start X degrees past the mouth of the inlet and continue around for 240 degrees". It's the X here that I wonder about. Thanks for any light which you can shed on this.


I think the problem you are having is that most people don't index the drop slot from the leading edge. Well at least I didn't. I worked from where I wanted the slot to stop and went 240 degrees back around the circle. Typically most people will stop the drop slot right at or just prior to the edge of the inlet. Because inlet widths verify in size and shape planning the drop slot in relation to where you want it to stop, makes things easier.

Here is a drawing from Galerdude that shows his layout and the relationship to where the slot stops that I am talking about.

john t

Ah yes. I see what you mean. It makes sense to have the slot extend as far around as possible so the air/debris has a chance to slow down and drop before flowing past the inlet again. Thanks for the input.