Hello All, new fellow here with a couple quick questions.

Started by Milo357, February 12, 2010, 08:05:41 AM

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I was hoping someone could clarify something for me. The lower baffle, is it supposed to be cut so that the edges press up against the edge of the can? And if so, would weatherstripping the edge of the lower baffle increase the seal?  I was considering waetherstripping the lower part of the lid also to increase the seal.

And just out of curiousity, (perhaps Phil can answer this), has anyone experimented with drilling the center lid hole (the one that does to the DC) ALL the way through the lower baffle (connecting it to via a pipe, not leaving it open) to see the effect of air pressure?  Don't ask me why, but I wonder if this wouldn't be effective.  Just a gut feeling, no science behind it. 

Thank you all for your answers,


phil (admin)

No weatherstripping is needed, and may actually interfere.

And having the exit tube go BELOW the baffle wouldn't work very well, as it would defeat the purpose of the baffle (to protect the debris in the can from the exit tube).