I have two standard type separator lids with the elbow inlet. The 4" inlet and outlet in the garbage
can does a great job, but I used a smaller (about 12"dia by 18" high) metal can for the shop vac, and
a lot of fines get through and plug up the vac filter, I even put an elbow on the vac inlet inside the
container to create a mini cyclone action. I am going to build a new top hat separator with the
level feed instead of elbow, and wanted to know if I could improve it with a second plate. You know
how us wood workers are always trying to improve, even if it does make it worse and we have to
start all over. Thank you for the reply.
can does a great job, but I used a smaller (about 12"dia by 18" high) metal can for the shop vac, and
a lot of fines get through and plug up the vac filter, I even put an elbow on the vac inlet inside the
container to create a mini cyclone action. I am going to build a new top hat separator with the
level feed instead of elbow, and wanted to know if I could improve it with a second plate. You know
how us wood workers are always trying to improve, even if it does make it worse and we have to
start all over. Thank you for the reply.