Y'know...I just stumbled across this item on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Delmar-Tools-Separator-Engineered-Peformance/dp/B09GYTSQRM/ref=sr_1_145_sspa?crid=3I33956TMREA8&keywords=drill%2Bpress%2Btable%2Bwith%2Bfence&qid=1648936879&sprefix=%22drill%2Bpress%2Btable%22%2Caps%2C407&sr=8-145-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUzZKTklZME5TRlNFJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODUxMjYxU0hQMzJRN0JHMTBQJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyMjEzMjcxUElVTEVQUEJFWUMwJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmX25leHQmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1 and thought again about this crap with Huntley.
It kinda looks like a rip-off of Huntley's rip-off of Thein (and this forum's population's) ideas. I'm not sure whether or not it predates this site or Huntley's offense.
I take it nobody has sued or stopped the guy yet?
It kinda looks like a rip-off of Huntley's rip-off of Thein (and this forum's population's) ideas. I'm not sure whether or not it predates this site or Huntley's offense.
I take it nobody has sued or stopped the guy yet?