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Topics - painterman

Last week I did two things.  The first was to get my 4 inch flex hose off of the ground.  I had two 4 inch flex coming from two trunks of 4 inch pvc.  They just laid on the ground and I was tired of cleaning around them and tripping over them.  So I went to the ceiling and other means.  So I basically added about thirty feet of more pipe/flex with more turns and angles.  I am not sure how much it affected the suction because I was busy making my Thein separator and wasn't paying attention.  So then I built the separator as pictured and then noticed that my suction dropped off quite a bit.  I have a grizzley 1029, 1180 cfm and five inch inlet and outlet.  All my pipe is 4 inch pvc and 4 inch flex. Here is my questions
- how much suction loss is because of the separator
- how much suction loss is because of my basic 4 inch setup with flex connecting the machines, connecting trunks, and the DC.
- if I was to get a bigger machine, say a 1550 cfm or 1700 cfm with running 6 inch  everywhere that I can, would I be back to where I was before last week.  (still using the separator) (by the way the separator works fantastic with sucking over 17 gallons of saw dust during testing and only having about half a cup of fines in the bag).
I know this is all hard to say, but I am willing to buy a newer bigger machine and run bigger pipe if it will make a difference.  It seems that when I put the separator on that I lost a lot of suction.  Is there a way to make the separator more efficient?  My slot is about 1 5/8 inches wide.  Is that to wide? Does it matter?
Sorry about these crazy questions.  Just confused.
I need more suction but want to keep the separator.

Please, any info would help.